Combining the healing power of lavender, gentle weight of wheat, butter-soft velvet against your skin and beautifully designed silk – your Silk Emporium Eye Pillow is your very own spa retreat that you can take anywhere.
“Your Silk Emporium Eye Pillow is your very own spa retreat that you can take anywhere.”

The healing properties of lavender have been understood for centuries. Renowned for its ability to create a relaxing atmosphere, lavender can help alleviate headaches, insomnia and stress. Lavender has been shown to help calm nerves and reduce feels of anxiety, by soothing the nervous system.
The weight of wheat creates a gentle pressure against the closed eyelids, sending a signal to the brain to relax. It is thought that this weight against the eyeballs stimulates the vagus nerve, triggering a reflex that lowers your heart rate and can regulate mood.
Placing the Eye Pillow over your eyes also blocks out light, inducing a state of relaxation.
Use your Eye Pillow during yoga or meditation, at home or on holiday. Adults and children of all ages can experience the benefits of a Silk Emporium Eye pillow.